How to get Microsoft certification?


Since last couple of weeks, few friends asked me that how can they get Microsoft certification? Any tips and tricks? I replied to them via email or any other source. But as per Scott’s formula [“You have a finite number of keystrokes left in your hands before you die.” –], rather than replying to email write a blog on it. And share the link. So, next time if someone asks same question to me [Or may be you] Can send this blog’s link.


So long back — I wrote Microsoft certification quick start guide
This document is a best place to start! Few things have been changed. But the basics remains the same.
If you don’t have time to go through the document, and need a quick summary. here you go!

  1. Target one exam at a time. Visit each exam’s Home Page – Understand what this exam covers. And start preparing. Best way to prepare for MS Certification is MS Press Books. You can find it from each of the following link – Better to have a hard copy. For example you are aiming to give 70-480 exam. It’s exam detail page is here : check “Skills Measured” section to understand what this exam covers. Check “Preparation options” section for all resources related to this exam.
  2. Select your exam track from here : for example if you are ASP.NET Web Developer then you should go for this track :
  3. Before you go for exams. Start giving exams from Dumps, Search for your exam. E.g. there will be the lot of dumps. But I follow this formula to select a best dump [You will need a VCE Software to run this VCE files]:
    1. Select a dump – Which has MOST number of questions
    2. And which got Max number of votes. So, as per this example it goes for
      [As it got 169 questions and 162 votes]
  4. Then book your exam slot, Pearson is best!
  5. All the best for your exams!

Happy Certification! 🙂

Basics for .NET beginner developers


Luckily, I’ve been crafting on .NET since last 7+ years. Initially I learnt .NET in college. And then after explored it further during my professional career. Some time back few of my friends asked me, How can they also learn .NET? Which are the best resources to begin with? And then be a .NET Ninja!
You are also learning .NET? Or would like to start learning .NET? Or you work on .NET. But would like to brush up your fundamentals? Then this post is for you!


Start with following links :
Then move to this :
Please note Programming is like swimming. You need to delve in to it. To be a master of it. So, most of the above resources are videos. But would strongly recommend you that. Do practice after watching each video!And here are
And here are some exercises for you:

  1. Create a console application which takes user name as an Input and tells moon sign – as per his/her input
  2. Create a console application which takes a Number – for which user would like to print a Multiplication Table
  3. Anything else?

Few nice to read books:

  1. CLR Via C#
  2. MCTS 70-536 Self-Paced Training Kit – Application Development Foundation
  3. Murach’s ASP.NET

Please remember you can’t be master of .NET/any field over the night. As per research it takes 10,000 hours of deliberate practice to be master of any field. So, have lot of patience. Practice as much as you can! — The harder you practice, the luckier you get!
Also, If possible give Microsoft certification exams — Here is Certification Quick start guide for you!
If you know any other .NET resource, which you think is excellent. And should go in this list. Then please do share it with others via comment!
Happy Programming! 🙂

Milestone : MCPD Exam Cleared

Hi, all my blog readers. first of all Happy New year to you and may this year adds more passion in you towards your profession!
After clearing MCTS – Web before few months. Today, i would like to share one great news with you all. I’ve cleared MCPD – Web (70-547) exam on 28/12/2009 with 975/1000 Marks 🙂
MCPD _ Web_Large
Thanks to all who wished me luck and boosted me up on my last achievement!
Journey towards this certification was too good and too challenging too. let me tell you challenging how it was!
Challenge to complete Book : I purchase the hard copy of book on 10/7/09[Price – 640 from Ask InfoTech Vadodara]. Now I’ve aimed to give exam on 26/10/2009. But as usual was heavily loaded with my stuff at office and the book is more theoretical. So, it needs more inputs and concentration compared to Practical stuff. In between i stopped reading then in start of November i come to know about Certification offer from Microsoft[25% Discount]. Which stimulated me bit and moreover I’ve thought to complete the MCPD certification before end of 2009. So, deadline was coming near and near(And as human nature as exam date comes near and near we start reading with full concentration 🙂 and same hold true for me too!].
Challenge to give exam : You must be thinking how the giving exam could be a challenging task? Yeap, It was because in my city(Vadodara,Gujarat) one prometric is there which was down from last since months due to some technical reasons. So, now I’ve started looking at another options. And finally i found HCL Career Development Center – Ahmadabad and Thanks a lot to Asha ma’m[She manages prometric exams at this center] who helped me a lot during this process over the call only which saved my time. So, i booked my exam with 25% offer (1800 INR).
Challenge to Maintain one Transcript: I already had a MCP ID. But after clearing this exam i come to know that i will get new MCP ID and my MCPD Certificate will be in different Transcript..Hooh!! But finally i managed to get it done by calling at Regional Service Center
Now, finally when i see my certificate and logo. I feel good about fruitful result of completing this many challenges 🙂
Again Thanks and Happy Reading!