one of my friend asked me that how can i embed any document on a webpage? gotcha? Nope? okay let me elaborate functionality in a brief.
1. User can post/upload articles on portal in any format. e.g. .PPT,.PPTX,.DOC,.XLS,.XLSX, PDF.
2. Once uploaded after that user can preview his/her uploaded articles in read only format and in same format on Webpage only. No download required.
This is the big challenge! After searching a bit we found a good site and implemented it. I know you guys are eager to know. how? Okay here you go..
There is a nice site called which supports all our requirements – really great stuff by site developers!
It supports embedding document using three ways:
1. Uploading document manually :- Visit and upload your document.
2. using embedit API :- Visit and you can do all operations programmatically. Wow!! And you can sign in using any of the below option. No new form you need to fill up 🙂
3. SiteWide :- Use Sitewide to automatically convert all the links to documents in your website to embeds. You just need to put Javascript reference in your HTML content and rest will be managed by Embedit guys! isn’t is great? So, hurry visit : and have fun!
Our Main Hero is SiteWide – which helped us in fulfilling our requirement.
I know you are eager to see it in action before using you go..
Looks great na? would like to see within your browser? see this example page :
Thanks to my friend for throwing this challenge to me and thanks to Google for searching out for me and thanks to for developing such a nice functionality!
Happy embedding! 🙂