Hello All, After getting loads of FAQ’s on my blog entries Milestone MCPD Exam Cleared and New Milestone MCTS Web 70-528. Today i got few diagrams from MS Site. Which contains great piece of information and answers so many questions of newbie – who would like to give certification exams. So, here we go..
VS 2008 Certifications Path
Source Link: http://download.microsoft.com/download/B/6/6/B66B006F-50AB-493E-BEBE-FD3B1BF548F6/VisualStudio2008_CertPath.pdf
VS 2010 Certifications Path
Source Link: http://download.microsoft.com/download/B/D/D/BDD81000-E7E6-4B7A-A213-8579369FB0AF/VisualStudio2010_CertPath.pdf
If you still have any question feel free to drop me a comment here!
Happy Certificating!
I am planning to go for Microsoft Certifications for VS-2010. Can any body provide the basic papers to be attempted to get certified
Hi Kiran
I am planning to go for Microsoft Certifications for VS-2010,
but i have no idea about MCTS Exam like List of Paper for MCTS and how many choose from them to clear MCTS Exam.
I am WEB developer and work on Asp.Net 4.0+ Sql 2010 So Which Subject choose so easily clear Exam.
Second from where i get syllabus from those paper and study material.
When Vs-2010 MCTS retire?
Hello Dipak,
As per my view for you — 70-515 [http://www.microsoft.com/learning/en/us/exam.aspx?ID=70-515&locale=en-us#tab1] is for you! Hurry it is going to retire by 31 July 2013.
Wish you luck!