TimeZone Converter : Converts Datetime with just few clicks!


We all geeks mostly work with clients/colleagues who are outside india and follows different timezone than us. Or sometime we have some meeting/event which has timezone different than us. And to do the calculation we have to remember all the timezone differences and do the calculation and have you forgot to check whether the time span falls in Daylight saving time? huh.. sounds more complex right? Even me too that’s was thinking to develop a tool which will do this for you 🙂 Sounds interesting? then here you go..


TimeZoneInfo is a class which does everything for you! [It is in .NET Framework 3.5]
Finally, I am glad to share this tool with you. Below are few details of it:


TimeZone Converter, helps you to convert provided DateTime from one timezone to another timezone, and keeping Daylight Saving Time in mind!

Main features

  • Source timezone to destination timezone conversion with few clicks!
  • Added Speech support.
  • Scrollbar support added.

Screen shots

System requirements

.NET 3.5 SP1

How to use?

1. Download application from following link.
2. Double click on executable.
3. Provide inputs and click on Convert time OR Press Enter.
5. That’s it! Enjoy 🙂

I would like to hear from you

If your feedback is positive tell to your peers else tell to me at : klpatil@hotmail.com. Feel free to post your suggestions/comments/bugs at provided email id.

Technical links

TimeZoneInfo : http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb396389.aspx

Would like to Download? Click here

Eager to have your feedback!
[Update : 18/2/2012]Sourcecode : Click here to download sourcecode


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